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Whitecourt Town Council Update - June 25, 2024

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The Community Services Advisory Board completed a strategic planning session earlier this year, and presented results of the session to Council on June 24, 2024.  The priorities identified by the Board will help to create policy, service level, budget and operational recommendations for Council. Top priorities identified by the Board for 2024 include:

  • Exploring the potential to combine the Party In The Park and Canada Day events.
  • Investigating the potential and drafting a budget for consideration for next year to host events welcoming newcomers to Whitecourt.
  • Exploring venue/instructor options and cost to offer additional cooking classes as part of Arts & Culture Programming.

The Economic Development Committee presented a semi-annual report to Council on current initiatives and updates on projects undertaken in 2024.  The report is available to view on www.whitecourt.ca/business.

The Turn Indoor Golf and Lounge has been awarded $10,000 through the Whitecourt Launch Grant Program to develop a new entertainment business that will combine golf simulators and a lounge experience.  Whitecourt Launch was created last year to provide additional financial support for business development projects that stimulate business retention, growth and expansion.  Applicants were required to provide a presentation to the Economic Development Committee to compete for the one-time grant.  Thank you to all of the businesses that applied and shared their ideas!

The annual review of Off-Site Levies is complete and, based on the study, rates will be changing as of January 1, 2025.  Off-Site Levies are a cost recovery tool that help pay for infrastructure projects that allow the community to grow, including roads, and water and sewage treatment.

Development Type 2024 Off-Site Levy Rate 2025 Off-Site Levy Rate
Single Family Dwelling Unit $4,710/dwelling unit $4,765/dwelling unit
Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $2,051/dwelling unit $2,075/dwelling unit
Non-Residential $54,888/hectare $55,534/hectare

The 2023 Collision Report has been prepared and will be forwarded to the Whitecourt Protective Services Committee and Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors as information.  Overall, traffic incidents were down 4% from 2022, with the largest decrease along Highway 43 with the number of collisions down 17% from 2022.

The 2024 20-Year Capital and Major Maintenance Plan has been adopted.  The Plan, which includes 150 projects, provides a vision for the long-term development of Whitecourt’s infrastructure; land development; parks and trails; and, building and recreational/cultural facilities to meet the needs of our growing community.  The Plan incorporates projects and timelines identified through engineering studies, planning sessions, workshops, budget deliberations, and public engagement activities.  The Plan is available to view at www.whitecourt.ca/your-town

Records Retention and Destruction Bylaw 1492 has been amended to include retention of body-worn camera and in-car video system footage.

Councillor Tara Baker will serve as Deputy Mayor from July 1 to October 31, 2024.

A Special Meeting of Council has been scheduled for 4pm on Monday, July 8 at the Forest Interpretive Centre to discuss the Culture & Events Centre.

Streets in the downtown core will be closed temporarily on Saturday, August 10 to accommodate the Summer Street Fest.  A reminder will be posted closer to the event date.  For information on Summer Street Fest visit www.whitecourt.ca/play/summer-street-fest

The Town of Whitecourt has approved an agreement with Canfor (Whitecourt) Forest Products Ltd.  for the acceptance of Dry Kiln Wastewater into the Town’s wastewater collect system and treatment through the wastewater treatment plant.