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2024 Budget Report

Find out how property taxes are calculated, and what projects are planned for this year.

2024 Budget Report

Strategic Plan

Council’s strategic plan outlines priorities for governance, community development, infrastructure and service delivery. The plan, which is updated annually, identifies current priorities and where the municipality will focus its resources.

2024 Strategic Plan

2023 Project List

The Project List includes status updates and information on 125 projects planned by Council for 2023.

20 Year Capital and Major Maintenance Plan

The 20 Year Capital and Major Maintenance Plan provides a vision for the long term development and maintenance of Whitecourt's infrastructure, land development, parks and trails, and building/recreational/cultural facilities to meet the needs of our growing community.  The Plan sets broad direction that helps guide decision making, promotes sustainability in the future, and enhances residents' quality of life.

2024 20 Year Capital and Major Maintenance Plan

Alberta Municipal Affairs - Municipal Indicators

Each year, Alberta Municipal Affairs compiles results of financial and governance performance measures for all municipalities.  The performance measures are used as a benchmark by the Province to ensure Albertans live in viable municipalities that are responsible, collaborative and accountable.  Whitecourt has not triggered any of the critical indicators.

Whitecourt 2022 Indicator Dashboard