Seniors Services

Seniors Services

Senior Services are offered out of the Community Services Department located at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre. We sponsor senior events throughout the year please call 780-778-6300 to find out about upcoming events.

Need assistance filling out benefit forms or finding out what you quality for? For assistance completing applications for the following contact the FCSS Program Coordinator at 780-778-3637.

  • Old Age Security (OAS) Program
  • Canada Pension Program (CPP)
  • CPP & OAS Services Online
  • Federal Income Tax and Benefit Returns
  • Second Career

The Seniors Making Connections Newsletter is published four times a year, and highlights activities for seniors in the community.

Alberta Supports is a "central hub" for Albertans to find social supports and services. As the first point of contact, Alberta Support Services Coordinators can help Albertans find information and access to more than 32 social based programs and over 120 supports The supports range from

  • Childcare supports
  • Income supports
  • Disability supports
  • Seniors supports
  • Employment & training supports
  • Emergency supports

Visit the Whitecourt Alberta Supports Office at #202 Midtown Mall.

Lac Ste. Anne Foundation

Mailing: Box 299, Mayerthorpe  T0E 1N0
Office: 4407 42 Avenue Mayerthorpe
Phone: 780-786-3100
Fax: 780-756-4810
The Lac Ste. Anne Foundation is a not for profit, community-based organization that provides adequate and suitable low cost housing to seniors and low-income households in Whitecourt and the other communities the foundation serves.

Spruceview Seniors Lodge
12 Sunset Boulevard
Phone: 780-778-5530
Operated and managed by the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation, Spruceview Seniors Lodge is a 50 room facility. The Lodge was expanded in 2007 with the addition of 30 apartment-style suites with kitchenettes. Housekeeping and lunch is included in all rental rates. Tenants in the suites have the option of purchasing additional meal service. Home-care services are available for those who need assistance.

Woodland Villa
#100, 4503 52 Avenue
Phone: 780-778-3623
Operated and managed by the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation, Woodland Villa offers sixteen self-contained apartments for seniors.

The Manor - Whitecourt Downtown South

4901 47 Street
Phone: 587-442-4090
The Manor at Downtown South is a three-story building located centrally in the Village. The Manor will feature 19 independent living large 1 bedroom + den (741 to 814 ft2), and 2 bedroom + den (1,080 to 1,094 ft2) living units. The bottom two floors of The Manor is designated supportive living seniors care, containing 50 studio suites, including 2 hospice suites, funded by Alberta Health Services.

Social prescribing is a holistic approach to healthcare that bridges the gap between medical and social care services.  Through the approach, healthcare professionals refer to patients to community-based programs to improve their health and enhance their quality of life.  Social prescribing promotes health equity by addressing social needs that affect health and well-being, such as access to adequate housing, food, transportation, income and social support.  This helps older adults with limited natural supports to thrive.

The Seniors Resource Lead (Link Worker) will receive social prescriptions (referrals) from the health system (doctor's offices, nurses, homecare, Primary Care Network, or hospital discharge).  The Seniors Resource Lead will then work with seniors to address their needs related to the social determinants of health by connecting to the variety of programs and services that exist within the community.  This program is intended to ensure that seniors can age in their chosen community for as long as possible without needing to transition to higher levels of care.

If you have questions, call the FCSS Program Coordinator at
780-778-3637 ext. 417 or email

The Town of Whitecourt has been awarded grant funding for a 29-month term from the United Way, through Health Aging Alberta, to provide non-medical home support for seniors in Whitecourt and area.  As many seniors in Whitecourt are choosing to live independently in their current homes, this will help to increase seniors’ capacity to age safely in place and improve the wellbeing of older adults in our community.  Services include in-home non-medical supports, including housekeeping, meal preparation, grocery shopping and hard maintenance. 

This program will complement Whitecourt’s Social Prescribing Program that that is already in place that helps to bridge the gap between medical and social care services to seniors in Whitecourt.  To access both programs, clients will need a referral from a health care providing. 

For more information on the programs please contact the FCSS Program Coordinator at 780-778-3637 ext. 417.

Do you have questions about seniors programs and organized trips, or the Making Connections Newsletter? Contact the FCSS Program Coordinator at 780-778-3637.