New Committee Members are always welcome! For more information on the Committee contact Whitecourt’s Manager of Recreation at 780-778-3637 ext. 407 or message the Committee through its Facebook page.
Communities in Bloom
Communities in Bloom (CIB) promotes involvement and action by citizens of all ages, the municipal government, local organizations, and businesses. The program strives to improve the tidiness, appearance and visual appeal of Canada's neighbourhoods, parks, open spaces and streets through the imaginative use of flowers, plants and trees. A focus on environmental awareness and preservation of heritage and culture is also an integral part of its success resulting in an improved quality of life.
Tagging and Graffiti Removal Initiative
The Whitecourt Communities in Bloom Committee is offering tagging and graffiti removal kits for FREE to businesses and residents!
Two types of graffiti removal kits are available at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre:
- a sensitive surface kit (ie painted);
- bare brick, stone and masonry kit.
Kits include chemicals, tools and PPE necessary to complete a removal. The purchased graffiti remover was tested by the Committee with positive results.
Businesses and residents will be asked to provide before and after photos in order for the Committee to track the success of the initiative.