In this section
Grant Opportunities
Pick up trash for cash!
The Town of Whitecourt offers non-profit organizations funding for performing refuse pick up duties within the community including highway ditches, and boulevards. The refuse pick up schedule typically runs from April to the end of October (weather permitting) and the opportunity s advertised annually. To qualify for the program, groups must provide a written request to the Town outlining a time commitment between 50 and 100 hours, how the funds will be used, confirming dates that the group would be available to perform the work, and providing an address and phone number for the group contact person.
Qualifications for the program have been made more flexible for those wishing to lend their time to assist with clean up activities.
Groups can submit a proposal to complete between 50 and 100 hours of service; the time commitment must be confirmed prior to approval.
Approved groups will receive $12.00 for each hour of service, and total allocations for the program will be based on the annual budget.
All clean up participants must be at least 9 years of age.
Applications for the 2025 program will be accepted until 12 noon on Monday, April 7, 2025.
Written letters of application must be received at the following address by the deadline:
Re: Community Clean Up Program Application
Box 509, 5004 - 52 Avenue
Fax: 780-778-2408
The Community Crosswalk Grant program provides funding to local schools to establish or enhance a Crosswalk Program. Safety is a priority for the Town of Whitecourt, and this program will enhance our children's safety at community crosswalks.
- Policy 23-007 Community Crosswalk Grant Program
- Community Crosswalk Grant Program Application Form
- Community Crosswalk Grant Program Final Reporting Form
Applications to the program are due June 30 annually for the following school year.
The Town of Whitecourt is continuing the Enhanced Driveway Crossing Replacement Program for those property owners wishing to upgrade their private driveway crossings. The Town will cost share with the owner up to 60% for the costs associated with the removal, disposal and replacement of the residential driveway crossing installed according to the "Minimum Standard for Local Improvements".
The program is intended for driveways in areas with high profile of older, rolled curb and gutter which create a harsh entrance into private driveways.
The application deadline for 2024 has passed. Watch for information on the 2025 program in spring of 2025.
Town of Whitecourt, Box 509, 5004 – 52 Avenue, Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N6
Email: | Phone: 780.778.2273
The Whitecourt Enhancement Grant was established to offer recreation, art and culture organizations and groups additional assistance for the enhancement of programs, services, special events, specialized equipment or facilities that are not normally funded through their annual budget.
The objectives of the grant are:
To provide funding to local recreation, arts & culture organizations for the enhancement of programs, services, special events, specialized equipment or facilities that are not normally funded through their annual budget.
To enhance recreation opportunities and the well-being of the residents of Whitecourt and Woodlands County.
To enhance sport, recreation, arts and cultural development.
To promote and encourage volunteerism and community spirit by enhancing the work of local volunteer organizations.
To provide a funding source for recreation, art and culture programs, services, events, facilities or equipment that is not eligible for funding from other municipal, provincial or federal sources.
Applications for the 2025 program will be accepted until Friday, March 14 at 4:00pm.
2025 Enhancement Grant Workshop
To be considered for this grant, a representative from the group or organization is required to attend the Enhancement Grant Workshop on Wednesday, March 5 from 5:30-6:30pm in the Allan & Jean Millar Centre classroom, unless they have already attended.
The FCSS Grant Program provides assistance to community organizations that plan to provide social programs that are preventive in nature to the community. For more information please contact the FCSS Program Coordinator at 780-778-3637.
Applications for the 2026 funding year will be accepted in the fall/winter of 2025. Information will be posted later in the year.
To be eligible for consideration, projects must meet one or more of the following FCSS mandates:
- Help people become self-reliant, build resiliency, and become able to function in a positive manner.
- Promote and help people develop positive social relationships.
- Help people become socially engaged and contribute to their community.
- Support people to remain active participants in their community.
- Empower people to address social issues and influence change.
Policy 72-025 - Family & Community Support Services Grant Program
Application Form - Fillable Form (It is recommended that you save the file prior to entering data into the application form.)
The FireSmart Homeowner Incentive Program encourages homeowners to sign up for a FireSmart Home Assessment, and to conduct recommended FireSmart practices to mitigate wildfire risks on their property.
- Only Town of Whitecourt homeowners that have had a current FireSmart Home Assessment completed by the Whitecourt Fire Department (as of 2022) and have completed eligible FireSmart activities on their private property as recommended in the assessment will be eligible for funding.
- Properties located in areas of higher wildfire risk, such as those adjacent to the forested edge of Centennial Park, will be prioritized for funding.
- By completing recommended work and submitting an application, you are not guaranteed funding. Applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
- The Whitecourt Fire Department will accept, review and allocate funding per program guidelines.
Policy 23-012 - FireSmart Homeowner Incentive Program
Policy 23-012 - Schedule "A" - Whitecourt Fire Area FireSmart Map
Policy 23-012 - Schedule "B" - FireSmart Homeowner Incentive Program Application Form
Investing In Our Community is a new capital funding program developed by the Town of Whitecourt to enhance partnerships with local non-profit organizations. The proposed program will provide interest free loans to non-profit organizations to assist in leveraging their resources for community capital investments that benefit the community. Applications to this program are accepted year-round.
Are you having difficulty filling out seniors benefit forms? The Family Community Support Services Department assists seniors to complete senior benefit applications. Please call 780-778-6300 to make an appointment.
The Sports Hosting Program supports local organizations to host sporting events that have a positive economic impact on our community. Events hosted by the sporting community increase visitors into Whitecourt, which has a positive impact by generating overnight stays and stimulating the local economy.
Applications for the 2025 program year are now being accepted on a first come, first serve basis or until project funding has been expended.
All applications must be submitted to the Town of Whitecourt Administration Office (5004 - 52 Avenue). For further information, contact the Economic Development Officer at 780-778-2273 or by email at
- Policy 72-026 - Sports Hosting Program
- Application Form
- Application Rating Sheet
- Final Reporting Document
Grant applications are reviewed at the Economic Development Committee's monthly meetings. Depending on when an application is submitted, it may take up to 30 days to complete the review process. Organizations must submit applications at least 30 days before the event start date.
Whitecourt’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is designed to treat organic materials. Unfortunately, unexpected grit materials (e.g., small loose particles of sand, stone, clay, silt from carwashes, shops/commercial sumps) are entering the wastewater system resulting in blockages, backups, environmental concerns, unpleasant odours, and damage to piping/ equipment/other structures, which increases maintenance costs.
The Town seeks to reduce and eventually eliminate the discharge of grit materials and prohibited substances at the source, and will be working with local businesses to educate them on what materials can be released into the Town's wastewater system, and how inorganic materials can effect the system.
To encourage businesses, the Town offers a Testing Incentive Program to those businesses that would cover 50% or up to $250 of the sump pit material testing costs annually. Eligible businesses will need to provide testing results and copy of their invoices for reimbursement to the Town.
The Tourism Enhancement Grant Program offers financial assistance to local community groups for projects or events that enhance tourism development in the Whitecourt area.
Applications for the 2025 program year are now being accepted on a first come first serve basis or until project funding has been expended.
All applications must be submitted to the Town of Whitecourt Administration Office (5004 - 52 Avenue). For further information, contact the Economic Development Officer at 780-778-2273 or by email at
Have you thought about organizing mountain bike tours through the region? Or have you ever thought that offering jet boat tours would be an interesting job for you? You could be eligible for funding to assist with start up costs, such as advertising or capital investments. All applications must include a letter of interest or business plan detailing the project, noting the sustainability and potential growth of the business, as well as a description of what the funds will be used for.
Applications for the 2025 program year are now being accepted on a first come first serve basis or until project funding has been expended.
All applications must be submitted to the Town of Whitecourt Administration Office (5004 - 52 Avenue). For further information, contact the Economic Development Officer at 780-778-2273 or by email at
The Vitalization Grant Program was established to offer local businesses and organizations additional financial support to enhance the exterior appearance of their business or property. Applicants could receive up to $10,000 to enhance the exterior appearance of their business/property to match the newly adopted architectural wood/stone theme. The wood/stone theme was adopted in the Whitecourt Vitalization Plan which acts as a guide for our community over the next several years to revitalize downtown and beautify the Highway 43 corridor. The program's objectives are to:
Assist businesses or organizations to make permanent upgrades to their buildings that meet the architectural wood/stone theme of the Town of Whitecourt Vitalization Plan.
Enhance the quality of life and well-being of the residents of Whitecourt by increasing the aesthetic appeal of the Highway 43 corridor and downtown core.
To enhance the pride and profile of the Town of Whitecourt for both residents and visitors alike.
The application deadline for 2024 has passed. Information on next year's program will be released in the spring of 2025.
Town of Whitecourt - Planning & Development Department
Re: Vitalization Grant Program
5004 52nd Avenue, Box 509
Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N6
Ph: 780-778-2273
Whitecourt Launch will provide up to $10,000 in financial support to those operating home-based businesses wishing to move to a storefront; entrepreneurs opening a new small business; and/or, existing businesses wanting to expand products/services that are unique and fill identified gaps in our community.
- Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present a “business pitch” in person to the Economic Development Committee.
- Candidates who have received previous grant funding from the Town of Whitecourt under any business expansion, new business development, and/or start-up programs are ineligible.
Applications for the 2025 program year are now being accepted until May 2, 2025.
- Candidates must complete the application form – Whitecourt Launch Application Form Schedule “A” and work with a member of the Economic Development Team throughout the application process.
- Submit a business proposal/project plan and a detailed budget. The proposal will be reviewed and assessed for feasibility and sustainability. Candidates must agree to share the business proposal, in confidence, with the Economic Development Team for review.
- If the project is determined to be achievable and has a greater benefit to the community, the candidate will be invited to provide a presentation to the Economic Development panel.
- If the pitch is successful, candidates will be required to sign an agreement with the Town of Whitecourt which identifies rights and responsibilities and reasonable expectations (i.e. requirements to maintain accurate records, provide business updates, agree to site visits, necessary actions for reclamation of grant funds if failure to follow through with the business plans etc.)
- Policy 12-027 - Whitecourt Launch
- Whitecourt Launch Application Form
- Whitecourt Launch Final Reporting Document
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