Council Meeting Information and Schedule

Council Meeting Information

Whitecourt Town Council and Administration encourages all members of the community to attend Council Meetings! Town Council Meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of each month in Council Chambers at the Forest Interpretive Centre— 3002 33rd Street. (With the exception of the months of July, August and December.)

  • Meetings are scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 4:00 p.m.

Regular Council meetings are open to the general public.  Closed Meeting sessions are closed to the general public. Per the Municipal Government Act (MGA), Closed Meetings are limited to matters where disclosures could be harmful to personal privacy, individual or public safety, law enforcement, intergovernmental relations, or economic or other interests; reveal confidential evaluations, local public body confidence, or advice from officials; or disclose information that is subject to legal privilege.

Prior to each Council Meeting, Visitor and Delegation presentation and Public Hearing, the Chair will read statements informing everyone in attendance of the meeting process and guidelines.

Members of Council and Council Committees have a responsibility to the community to ensure they behave appropriately and ethically when dealing with matters that relate to their positions.  Code of Conduct Bylaw 1579 outlines ethical behaviour for elected and appointed representatives, and the standards serve to enhance public confidence.

All Regular Meeting of Council includes a Public Input Session. The purpose of the Public Input Session is to provide a venue that allows community members the opportunity to voice opinions and to bring attention to pertinent local issues. Council may ask for clarification regarding matters presented by public members, however this session is not intended as a forum for debate.

  • Public Input Session - Terms of Reference  
  • Members of the public wishing to address Council must submit an email to, including their name, address, and topic they will be discussing by 12 Noon on the Friday preceding the Council meeting.
  • Public members are not permitted to discuss matters that include personnel, legal matters, land issues, or items that have previously been discussed at a Public Hearing.
  • Public Input Session issues shall be either: accepted as information; referred to Administration for further information; or, referred to Council for further discussion.

For more information please contact the Executive Assistant at the Town Office at 780-778-2273.

If you have an item you would like included on a Council Meeting Agenda, a request in writing, including relevant details, must be delivered to the Legislative Coordinator by 12:00, noon, on the Wednesday prior to Town Council’s Regular Meeting. Requests should be addressed to the Mayor or Whitecourt Town Council. Send or drop-off requests to the Whitecourt Administrative Office located at:

5004 – 52nd Avenue,
P.O. Box 509 Whitecourt AB T7S 1N6
Ph: 780-778-2273 Fax: 780-778-4166
Attention: Executive Assistant

Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that it may be included on the agenda and that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and therefore made available through the agenda process which includes publication on this website.

Individuals and organizations can address Whitecourt Town Council at a Regular Meeting, provided prior arrangements have been made. A written request, including relevant details, must be delivered to the Legislative Coordinator by 12:00, noon, on the Wednesday prior to Town Council’s Regular Meeting. Requests should be addressed to the Mayor or Whitecourt Town Council.

Send or drop-off requests to the Whitecourt Administrative Office located at:

5004 – 52nd Avenue, P.O. Box 509
Whitecourt AB T7S 1N6
Ph: 780-778-2273 Fax: 780-778-4166
Attention: Executive Assistant

"Visitors and Delegations" present information to Council and all comments must be directed to the Chair. Presentations are limited to 15 minutes. Council may ask questions of Visitors and Delegations following presentations; however, Council will not debate nor enter into dialogue with Visitors and Delegations. Once all Visitors and Delegations have presented to Council, the meeting will proceed to Agenda Item "Business Arising from Visitors and Delegations." At this time, Council may choose to discuss information presented by Visitors and Delegations. Prior to voting on motions regarding presentations made to Council, the Chair will summarize Council’s discussion and may ask the presenter if he/she has anything further to add. Additional comments are restricted to one minute.

A Public Hearing is held in order for Council to receive comments from the public. All Public Hearings are advertised in the local paper and on the Town website, and all area residents affected the proposal are notified. At a Public Hearing, any person present who believes their interest is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be given an opportunity to be heard.

Public Hearings are livestreamed on the Whitecourt YouTube Channel.

Community members are encouraged to attend Policies and Priorities Committee Meetings. Policies and Priorities Committee Meetings are held the third Monday of each month (except for July and August) at 4:00 p.m. in the boardroom located downstairs at the Town Administrative Office. The Committee provides a forum for all members of Council to discuss community issues. Its role is to:

  • to receive delegations, providing an informal exchange of information and ideas.

  • to allow for a Public Dialogue Session.

  • to receive requests for review of policy or confidential issues from Council, the Mayor, any Councillor or the Chief Administrative Officer, and to investigate, and review the following areas:

  • Key issues facing the municipality

  • Setting of priorities

  • Bylaw development

  • Policy development

  • Business planning

  • Financial planning and budget

  • Legal services and agreements

  • Land development

  • Personnel matters

  • to submit policy recommendations to Council.

A Public Input Session has been incorporated into the beginning of this meeting to provide a venue for community members to voice opinions and to bring attention to local issues. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. See the Public Input Session - Terms of Reference for further information.