Construction & Permitting

Construction & Permitting

The Planning and Development Department is available to discuss your development and building plans in Whitecourt.  Before beginning any project there are several steps you will need to take to make sure your new development is in compliance with local bylaws and regulations.

The Planning and Development Department has a series of brochures detailing information on a number of development issues and topics. To find out what you need to know so that your project runs smoothly, select the type of project from the following list.

Other information brochures:

The Town's Land Use Bylaw regulates how land and buildings are used, the location of the buildings, site coverage, building heights, and other provisions to ensure proper development. The Land Use Bylaw impacts everyone in Whitecourt at some point and to varying degrees - whether you are building a fence or deck, or starting a new business.

The Municipal Development Plan is a guide for growth and development in Whitecourt.  It includes maps and policies that are used to establish strategies to reach a future community vision.

Uses governed by our Land Use Bylaw require a permit – everything from construction, to demolition, to signage.  If you are unsure whether your project needs a permit, our Planning and Development Department would be happy to help. Our information brochure can also give you additional information.

One requirement of development permits is to install low consumption fixtures.  For more information on this requirement contact the Planning & Development Department.

Temporary Traffic Control Permit

Temporary Traffic Control Permits are required to allow for temporary on-street parking in areas not normally designed for parking, and to those proposing to carry out work for the purpose of installation, maintenance, repair, replacement, extension or operation of equipment in or above municipal right of way (including poles, cables, pipes conduit, pedestals, and vaults).

Once the form below has been completed, application can be sent to the Infrastructure Services Department for review.  

The knowledgeable staff at the Planning and Development Department can provide property owners with a review of their property file to determine if the development on site meets with the Land Use Bylaw and all required permits are in place. 

Residential and Non-Residential/Multi-Family File Review

  • File review fees for residential properties is $35.00 per municipal address.
  • Non-Residential and Multi-Family properties are $85.00 per hour with a one hour minimum per municipal address.

A Development Officer will contact you prior to beginning the review if they expect to take longer than one hour.  An invoice will be provided for the initial search fee and any additional charges, if applicable. Payment to the Town of Whitecourt must be received and acknowledged before the review will be completed.

Environmental File Review

In some instances, an environmental assessment may be required. In that event, the firm you retain to do the Environmental Assessment can also obtain information from the Town of Whitecourt requesting an environmental review.

Property File Search Request Application

If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Development Department via email at or call 780-778-2273 for more information.

Safety Codes Officers (SCO) review building plans and complete construction inspections as required under the National Building Code - Alberta Edition. You must have a plans review completed by an accredited SCO before a building permit can be issued. Applicants are free to hire from any of the agencies on the linked list. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 780-778-2273 or

View PDF

Area Structure Plans (ASP) provides land uses, access and servicing, and policy direction for specific neighborhoods or areas of the municipality. The principles and objectives established in each plan guide growth of future neighborhoods by setting out general locations for major land uses (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, schools and parks), major roadways, utility servicing, trail systems, and potential population density. Whitecourt follows a public consultation process throughout the development process of all ASPs, and requires that a Public Hearing be held prior to any document proceeding before Council for adoption. The following ASPs provide for future development in our community:

Town of Whitecourt Area Structure Plans are available at the Town Office for public viewing during our regular business hours. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Development Department at (780) 778-2273 or at

2024 Bylaw Amendment Application Form

Subdivision means the division of a parcel of land into one or more smaller lots by a plan of subdivision or other instrument. If you are planning on subdividing, are looking for the form to apply, or have questions regarding subdivisions, please contact our Planning and Development Department at 780-778-2273 or


Whitecourt's Land Use Bylaw regulates signs within the community to ensure that signs:

  • Do not impede the view of pedestrian or vehicle traffic;
  • Do not become a safety hazard (i.e. tripping) or are left in a state of disrepair;
  • Are of good quality and aesthetically finished.

Sign regulations are outlined in the Land Use Bylaw. All signs, except for A-Board signs, require permits.

A-Board Signs

An A-Board sign is a self-supporting sign consisting of two panels not more than 1.0 metre high or 0.6 metres wide, and is joined at the top. (Also knownas sandwich boards.) Permits for A-Board signs are not required as long as the size and placement meets the Land Use Bylaw. 

A home occupation is an occupation, trade, craft or profession carried on by an occupant of a residential neighbourhood as a secondary use of the residence. It is a discretionary use, and the application must be approved by the Municipal Planning Commission.

Home Occupation Application

Each business that is considered a home occupation must have an approved Development Permit. You may also have to get approval from other provincial agencies, such as Alberta Health, Alberta Labour, and Alberta Consumer and Corporate Affairs.

A home occupation can not change the character of a home or show any outside evidence of a secondary use other than a small name plate (not exceeding 0.3m2 in area). All residents of a home may be employed in home occupation, but employees who are non-residents may not work in the home. For more information on home occupations, please refer to our information brochure or contact the Planning & Development Department at 780-778-2273.

Business Licences are not required in Whitecourt.

However, if you are opening a new business or opening in a new location, you may need to apply for a development permit. For further information and assistance please contact the Planning & Development Department at 780-778-2273.

Door to Door Solicitation

A person or business that does not have a permanent place of business or solicits door to door to carry on any business, trade or occupation is subject to the fees and license requirements under the Hawkers and Pedlars Bylaw and amendments thereto.

Off-Site Levies are a cost recovery tool that helps municipalities pay for infrastructure projects that allow the community to grow, including roads, water and sewage treatment, to name a few.

Bylaw 1532 came into effect January 1, 2018.  With the new Bylaw, Off-Site Levies are based on lot size rather than the size of the building.  This bylaw will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. More information on how rates are calculated can be found in the Off-Site Levy Rates Review Report.

Off-Site Levy Review

Per Bylaw 1532, a review of Off-Site Levies is conducted annually. 

The following rates are in effect as of January 1, 2024:


  • Single Family Dwelling  Units (including manufactured homes, duplex, triplex, and fourplex developments, excluding row housing): $4,710/dwelling unit

  • Multi Family Dwelling Units (any development with 5 or more units, including row-housing): $2,051/dwelling unit


  • Non-Residential: $54,888/hectare

If you have any questions regarding Off-Site Levies, please contact the Planning and Development department at 780-778-2273 or

The objective of these Standards is to provide a clear guiding framework for designers and developers in the design of municipal infrastructure in the Town of Whitecourt. These standards are intended to ensure that new municipal infrastructure is acceptable to the Town with regard to overall quality, safety, environmental considerations, functionality, operation, maintenance requirements, and life cycle costs.

The developer and consultant are responsible for ensuring that municipal infrastructure is designed and constructed to achieve the Town’s objectives in this regard. 

The Policy Manual serves as an operational guide to Council, staff, and the public, and provides guidelines for the Town to serve the community efficiently and effectively. The policies relating to Planning and Development can be found under “Municipal Planning and Development” Section 61.

Town of Whitecourt Policy Manual

The Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) outlines policies with regard to land use, economic development, environment, infrastructure and municipal facilities in the fringe area between the Town of Whitecourt and Woodlands County, providing a framework for making decisions within the respective municipalities.  The IDP’s goal is to facilitate and sustain long term strategic growth and to identify joint development opportunities.

Intermunicipal Development Plan

Whether you're renovating an existing home, building a new one, or undertaking a larger project, there are a variety of local builders and developers that can help.

Whitecourt Builder/Developer Listing

Do you have questions about permits or zoning?
Contact the Planning Assistant at 780-778-2273 or