violations are issued as Provincial Violation Tickets. The Province of Alberta controls what the applicable fines are for each offense as well as the fine disbursement formulas for all collected revenue.
From the Town’s collected revenue the Province receives about 55%, the Town receives approximately 25%, and the Contractor receives around 20%. 15% of the Province’s revenue is allocated to the Victims of Crime Fund.
Whitecourt's Automated Traffic Enforcement Program earned a total of $202,872 in 2023.
The Safe Community Initiative was created in 2010 to ensure all elements of the program focused primarily on community safety initiatives. Annually, 25% of this revenue is contributed to the Future Community Projects reserve. Many community projects and programs that have already been funded by this revenue are:
- Community Policing position $88,583
- Protective Service Networking Breakfast $2,500
- Victim Services $17,278
- Community Crosswalk Program $5,500
- Crime Prevention $700
- COPS Program $480
- Officer Appreciation $3,686
- Swim to Survive $1,000
- Enhancement grant $30,000
Past projects that have been funding through the Safe Community Initiative:
Vehicle Extrication Equipment
Ice rescue boats
Lift at the Aquatic Centre for those with physical challenges
Emergency Management Equipment
Portable Defibulators
Permanent crosswalk markings
Splash Park
Festival Park Washrooms