Photo Radar

Since the program’s inception in June of 2009, photo radar (also known as automated traffic enforcement) has increased awareness and changed driver behavior:

  • The number of drivers receiving speeding tickets has dropped since the first full year of ATE operations; from 25,105 in 2010 to 3,810 in 2023.

Read the 2023 Automated Traffic Enforcement Annual Report.

The program's objective is to facilitate the safe flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic resulting in safer roadways throughout Whitecourt.

Revenue is not the intent of the program as the funds the Town receives are allocated to enhancing crime prevention and education, along with other community projects. Revenue from the program is for supplemental services and purposes and is not used to fund basic Town operations.

Photo radar locations are approved by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police using the following guidelines:

  • High-risk locations are those where the safety of citizens or police officers would be at risk through conventional enforcement methods.

  • High-frequency locations where data indicates motorists are ignoring or breaking traffic laws on an ongoing basis.

  • High-collision locations where data indicates a greater frequency of property damage, injury or fatal collisions.

  • High-pedestrian volume locations where data indicates a high volume of pedestrian traffic.

  • All school and playground zones.

Map of Whitecourt Enforcement Locations

Conduent Enforcement Solutions is the contractor for the Town of Whitecourt.

  • Mobile Photo Enforcement Operators are Peace Officers while on-duty.

    • The training and appointment of the Operators is authorized by the Province of Alberta (Justice and Solicitor General).

  • Vehicles are permitted to park on boulevards, shoulders, and no parking areas under the authority of the Traffic Safety Act. The Town’s preference would be for them not to utilize these areas for parking, but for some locations, this is the safest approach.

    • If a citizen has a specific concern with a parking location they are encouraged to contact Community Safety at 780-778-2273 so we can assess the situation.

Several technologies are deployed in the Town of Whitecourt.

  • Conduent performs mobile photo enforcement in the following areas:

    • speed zones;

    • school zones;

    • stop sign/red light zones.

  • Injury collision rates have fallen by 15.4% from 2009 levels.

  • Overall Whitecourt collision rates have fallen about 6% from 2009 levels.

Photo radar captured approximately 9,700 traffic violations in 2020.

  • 91% of the speed violations were committed by non-resident vehicles in 2020. 

  • violations are issued as Provincial Violation Tickets. The Province of Alberta controls what the applicable fines are for each offense as well as the fine disbursement formulas for all collected revenue.

  • From the Town’s collected revenue the Province receives about 55%, the Town receives approximately 25%, and the Contractor receives around 20%. 15% of the Province’s revenue is allocated to the Victims of Crime Fund.

Whitecourt's Automated Traffic Enforcement Program earned a total of $202,872 in 2023.

The Safe Community Initiative was created in 2010 to ensure all elements of the program focused primarily on community safety initiatives. Annually, 25% of this revenue is contributed to the Future Community Projects reserve. Many community projects and programs that have already been funded by this revenue are:

  • Community Policing position $88,583
  • Protective Service Networking Breakfast $2,500
  • Victim Services $17,278
  • Community Crosswalk Program $5,500
  • Crime Prevention  $700
  • COPS Program $480
  • Officer Appreciation $3,686
  • Swim to Survive $1,000
  • Enhancement grant $30,000

Past projects that have been funding through the Safe Community Initiative:

  • Vehicle Extrication Equipment

  • Ice rescue boats

  • Lift at the Aquatic Centre for those with physical challenges

  • Emergency Management Equipment

  • Portable Defibulators

  • Permanent crosswalk markings

  • Splash Park

  • Festival Park Washrooms

For more information contact Community Safety at 780-778-2273 or