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Grant Opportunities

Public Notice

2023 Vitalization Grant Program continuing to accept applications

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The Vitalization Grant Program offers businesses located in the downtown core and along the Highway 43 corridor up to $10,000 to enhance the exterior façade of their business or property to meet the Town’s architectural theme of stone and wood. The stone and wood theme has been incorporated in Land Use Bylaw 1506 and is now an integral part of renovations. This grant helps us to build a vibrant and beautiful community for both residents and visitors alike.                                                           

Information and application forms can be obtained from www.whitecourt.ca.

Applications will be accepted until 4:30 PM on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at the following location:

Town of Whitecourt - Planning & Development Department

Re: Vitalization Grant Program

5004 52nd Avenue, Box 509

Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N6

Ph:      780-778-2273

Fax:    780-778-2062
