Notice of Public Hearing
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Proposed Amendment to
Municipal Development Plan No. 1505 and
Land Use Bylaw No. 1506
November 14, 2022 – 4:00 PM
Forest Interpretive Centre - Council Chambers
Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, application has been made to amend Municipal Development Plan No. 1505 and to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 1506:
Bylaw No. 1505-4
Proposes to change Map 3 of Municipal Development Plan No. 1505 from Highway Commercial to Industrial for the five lots located between Highway 43, Mill Road, 48 Avenue, and Lot 3, Block 22, Plan 9123582 (refer to map).
Bylaw No. 1506-12
Proposes to create a new M-4, Highway Industrial, Land Use District to establish an area of high quality, light industrial uses and a limited range of commercial uses which provide service to industrial uses or to the travelling public using the highway, and to amend the land use district from Highway Commercial with an Environmental Constraints Overlay to Highway Industrial with an Environmental Constraints Overlay (refer to map).
A copy of the proposed amendments will be made available at the Town Office Planning Desk for public viewing prior to the public hearing and can also be requested through the Planning and Development Department.
A public information session will be held at 3:45 p.m. at the Forest Interpretive Center on Monday November 14, 2022, prior to the public hearing. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow presentations for or against the proposed amendments. Any individuals or organizations may make presentations, speak at the hearing, or submit written comments for consideration. Written comments must be received at the Town Office before noon on Thursday, November 10, 2022.
Questions on the process or the Public Hearing should be directed to Sam Love, Development Officer, at 780-778-2273, e-mailed to, or mailed to Box 509, Whitecourt, AB, T7S 1N6.