Traffic safety reminders for motorcyclists
Posted on:Alberta RCMP Traffic-Whitecourt Unit and Whitecourt RCMP detachment remind motorists that motorcycle season is still in full swing and that they can expect to see more motorcycles out on our highways. We would like to remind Class 6 licence holders of some key traffic safety practices before they get on their bikes and ride.
Get on your gear: Both riders and passengers must wear helmets that meet minimum safety requirements and show the date of manufacture. Wearing a proper coat, pants, boots that cover the ankles, gloves, and shatter-proof eyewear, will also improve safety and reduce the risks of injuries in a collision.
Make a list and check it twice: Before getting on a bike, always do a pre-ride check. Look at your fluids, tires, lights/signals, chains, and overall condition of the motorcycle. Refer to the Alberta Transportation Rider’s Guide for a checklist.
Heads up: Not only can excess debris and sand affect tire traction and motorcycle handling, but it can also cause loose gravel or rocks to be unexpectedly thrown by other vehicles. Maintain a safe following distance to avoid flying debris.
Stay in sight: Being small, it is important for motorcycles to stay in sight of larger vehicles and avoid blind spots.
No weaving or speeding: Speeding in and out of traffic on a motorcycle is illegal and dangerous. Safe motorcycle handling, and sharing the road responsibly, ensures control and reduces the risk of collision.
No one likes a show-off: A motorcycle is a high performance vehicle – just because your bike can do it, doesn’t mean your bike should do it. Slow down on unfamiliar roadways and do not feel that you have to keep up to other, more experienced riders.
All users of Alberta highways have a responsibility and a role to play in keeping our highways safe. Alberta RCMP Traffic-Whitecourt Unit and Whitecourt RCMP ask that everyone drive or ride safe this season.
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Alberta RCMP Traffic-Whitecourt Unit
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