Whitecourt launches public engagement campaign
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Whitecourt has received $70,000 in grant funding from the Small Community Opportunity Program to conduct a comprehensive market analysis of the local business environment; identify consumer spending, service leakage, and gaps in the market; and, identify opportunities for business retention, expansion, and attraction.
Business Survey will help Whitecourt in supporting and attracting local businesses
The Town of Whitecourt has launched a survey to gain insights on future plans and needs of local businesses. The survey will ask local businesses and organizations how Whitecourt Economic Development can help with workforce development, and improve business support processes and programs. By assisting and strengthening existing businesses, and identifying new opportunities, we can strengthen our economic position.
Take the BUSINESS survey now.
Consumer/Resident survey gives you a voice – and a chance to win $500 Whitecourt Bucks!
The online consumer survey will help Whitecourt understand residents’ shopping habits, and what influences them to shop both locally and outside the community. The information collected will be used to develop strategies to help local businesses offer products and services that match the current needs of our community, and to focus our attraction and investment efforts to businesses that provide services needed in Whitecourt.