Whitecourt Town Council Update - October 24, 2023
Posted on:Whitecourt Town Council made a number of public appointments to Council Committees at last night’s Regular Meeting as part of the annual recruitment campaign. To everyone that submitted applications for Council Committees, thank you for your commitment and willingness to serve our community! All applicants will be contacted in the coming days regarding the status of Council Committee appointments. There are still vacancies on the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. For information on how you can lend your skills, visit www.whitecourt.ca/your-town/mayor-council/public-participation.
Council has renamed the fire training grounds to the Bruce Parrent Fire Training Facility. The name is in honour of former Whitecourt Fire Chief Bruce Parrent, who passed away earlier this year. Mr. Parrent was instrumental in developing the training facility and worked with the Province during his tenure as chief to develop the NFPA certification training model that has been adopted throughout Alberta as the standard for firefighter training.
Whitecourt has been awarded grant funding for a two-year term from the United Way and through Healthy Aging Alberta to provide Social Prescribing for seniors in the region. The grant provides funding to support one full-time contract Seniors Resource Lead position to help older adults access programs and services in the community.
Council has awarded a contract to E-Construction to complete the Centennial Park Pathway Improvement Project. The project will be completed in phases over the next three years and is valued at approximately $1.9 million. Work will include rehabilitation of deteriorating paved surface, drainage improvements and widening of the pathway to allow for multiple uses.
Council has authorized a change to the Power Franchise Fee. The franchise fee is paid to the municipality in exchange for giving FortisAlberta the exclusive right to supply power in Whitecourt. The approved 2024 franchise fee rate was set at 4.47%. This change will result in the average residential customer experiencing an increase of $0.61 per month on their power bill.
Council authorized a change to the Gas Franchise Fee. The franchise fee is paid to the municipality in exchange for giving ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. the exclusive right to supply gas in Whitecourt. The approved 2024 franchise fee rate was set at 33.55%. This change will result in the average residential customer experiencing an increase of $3.11 per month on their gas bill.
Council has adopted the 2024 Whitecourt Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plans. The Plans identify priorities over the next year, and outline how resources will be used to meet goals. Both plans are available for viewing on www.whitecourt.ca.
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